Go Congress 2017

Dear EGF Members,
As you know, according to your vote, the EGF awarded the Go Congress 2017 to Germany.
We want to invite you all to come to Oberhof in Thuringia.
The congress web site will be launched soon.
Until then, please check our proposal at
http://www.eurogofed.org/egc/2 017/egc17-new-German-proposal.pdf

for further details.

In the meantime, why not make the congress attendance a Christmas present? Please have a look at the attached voucher.

This is how it works:

  • Print voucher.
  • Put it inder the Christmas Tree.
  • Pay next year.
  • Done!

Please let me know if you need other variants of the voucher.
Many thanks and hopefully we meet in Oberhof!
Best regards,